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School of Chinese Medicine hosts Professional Lecture Series on Chinese Medical Classics and signs cooperation agreement with Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine

19 Jan 2017

Honourable guests officiate at the book launch
Honourable guests officiate at the book launch
Professor Roland Chin (first row, left) and Professor Chen Diping (first row, right) sign the co-operation framework agreement on behalf of the two universities
Professor Roland Chin (first row, left) and Professor Chen Diping (first row, right) sign the co-operation framework agreement on behalf of the two universities

The School of Chinese Medicine (SCM) hosted the eighth Professional Lecture Series on Chinese Medical Classics on 15 January with a number of renowned Chinese medicine experts and alumna of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine (NJUCM) as speakers, including Professor Chen Diping, Chair of University Administrative Council of NJUCM. The event also saw the establishment of the NJUCM Alumni Association, Hong Kong and Macau, and the launch of a new book《浸大中醫經典系列──中醫經典與臨床應用1》, attracting an audience of about 400 participants including Chinese medicine teachers and students of SCM and participants from other local institutions, NJUCM alumni and local registered Chinese medicine practitioners.

Officiating at the ceremony were Dr Ko Wing-man, Secretary for Food and Health, HKSAR Government; Mr Li Lu, Director-General, Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs, Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR; Professor Chen Diping; Mr Wong Kit, Chairman of Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board, Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong; Ms Feng Jiu, Chairman of the Chinese Medicine Practice Subcommittee, Chinese Medicine Development Committee; Dr Edwin Tsui, Assistant Director of Health (Traditional Chinese Medicine); Professor Chan Wing-kwong, Chairman of Hong Kong Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioners Association; Mr Cheng Yan-kee, Chairman of the HKBU Council; Professor Roland Chin, President and Vice-Chancellor; Professor Rick Wong, Vice-President (Research and Development); Professor Lyu Aiping, Dean of SCM; and Professor Bian Zhaoxiang, Associate Vice-President and Director of Clinical Division, SCM.

At the seminars, Professor Chen Diping gave a talk on “Cultivating TCM Talents with Inheritance and Innovation based on TCM Thinking”; Professor Shen Hong, Chief Physician of Gastroenterology Department, Jiangsu Provincial TCM Hospital, spoke on “The Thinking and Method of Treating Functional Dyspepsia with Classical Chinese Medicine Prescription” while Professor Gong Jiening, Professor, Epidemic Febrile Disease Department, Basic Medicine College, NJUCM delivered a talk entitled “The Theory and Clinical Practice of Epidemic Febrile Disease of Chinese Medicine”. NJUCM alumna Dr Jiang Ming who is currently Principal Lecturer of Teaching and Research Division, SCM, HKBU shared on “The Application of Classical Chinese Medicine Prescription”.

With a view to raising the academic standard of professionals in the Chinese medicine sector and enhancing their knowledge of Chinese medicine classics, SCM launched the territory’s first professional lecture series on Chinese medical classics in September 2014. With the aim of retaining the valuable experience and insights of the speakers, SCM compiled the contents of the talks into books. The first volume of the book entitled《浸大中醫經典系列──中醫經典與臨床應用1》which comprises 18 lectures by 16 experts was recently published, with Professor Lyu Aiping and Professor Bian Zhaoxiang as chief editors.

On the other hand, HKBU and NJUCM signed a co-operation framework agreement on 16 January. Both sides seek to further strengthen their close partnership of over 15 years through this cooperation which aims at promoting Chinese medicine culture and creating synergy in the development of Chinese medicine education, medical services and research. Under the agreement, the two universities will jointly nurture more undergraduate students and postgraduate students, enhance the exchange and visits of teachers and researchers, establish a Chinese medicine clinical and research base, and foster academic exchange.