HKBU spin-off company takes the lead and taps into the Greater Bay Area market
28 Nov 2019
Sky Blue Biomedical Equipment Ltd (Sky Blue), a subsidiary spin-off company from HKBU, is the first company to have been awarded funding from the Health Technology Park in Zhongshan. Sky Blue will use the funding to commercialise the Prostate Cancer Early Detection Kit, a fast, accurate, painless and simple detection method for the early screening of prostate cancer.
Facilitated by the Knowledge Transfer Office at HKBU, the collaboration will enable the HKBU spin-off company to take a leading role as it taps into the Greater Bay Area market by establishing its research and development, as well as its manufacturing line, in the region.
The opening ceremony for Sky Blue was held on 24 October. Professor Rick Wong, Vice-President (Research and Development) of HKBU, and Mr Zheng Xiangrong, Executive Vice Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Zhongshan Municipal People’s Government, officiated the ceremony.
Sky Blue is an affiliate of New Life Medicine Technology Company Limited, an HKBU company founded by Professor Gary Wong, Head of the Department of Chemistry. His group has been collaborating with an international consultant team with expertise in fluorescent and synthetic organic chemistry to develop the research solution into the final Prostate Cancer Early Detection Kit product in Zhongshan.
Dr Cheng Yan-kee, former Chairman of the HKBU Council and Court, congratulated Professor Wong’s team at the ceremony and said he was looking forward to the product launch next year.