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HKBU students snap up awards at Hong Kong Creative Drama Festival

30 May 2016

Hong Siu-na (left) and Tse Ho-dan perform their drama in the Award Presentation Ceremony
Hong Siu-na (left) and Tse Ho-dan perform their drama in the Award Presentation Ceremony

Teams comprising five students from HKBU were awarded the First and the Second Runner-Up prizes in the tertiary group at the Creative Drama Festival (CDF). 


Performance duo Hong Siu-na (Film and Media Arts, Year 4) and Tse Ho-dan (Humanities, Year 4) received the First Runner-Up and Outstanding Award, whilst the Second Runner-Up and Merit Award went to the three-member team which included Chen Siyu (Film and Media Arts, Year 2), He Yang (Organisational Communication, Year 4) and Hsu Yun-chieh (Business Administration, Year 1). 


With this being the winning trio’s first time participating in CDF, they all expressed their excitement over the good results achieved. The team attributed their achievement to HKBU graduate attributes, highlighting in particular “Creativity” and “Teamwork”. They also appreciated the 2016 theme for CDF, namely “Healthy Lifestyle”, which they said enlightened participants and encouraged them to explore social topics through drama. They believe the theme also helped them develop social responsibility. 


In addition to these two HKBU groups, the joint performance by the Hong Kong Community College and three HKBU students—Chan Cheuk-y an, Cheung Wing-yan and Lee Man-ki (Early Childhood Education, Year 3)—also received the Merit Award. 


The Creative Drama Festival is organised by the Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning of HKBU, with Hong Kong Teachers Drama Association and Hong Kong Creative Educators Organization as co-organisers and Tin Ka Ping Foundation as sponsor. Mr Sam Tin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Tin Ka Ping Foundation, attended the Award Presentation Ceremony. For details, please visit: